Donate or Receive a Musical Instrument


Acoustic for a Change (AFAC) collects gently used instruments for distribution to local under-served kids, foster kids, teens & adults in need, veterans and non-profits that support them. AFAC will provide minor instrument repairs and has hundreds of pre-qualified nonprofit’s, charities, churches, schools, mission organizations and individuals in need. Many of them are currently on a waiting list since the need is so great.


  • Local Drop Sites: Our current sites are in South/Central Florida, Southern California and Summit County/Salt Lake City Utah. Fill out the form below and we will email them to you.
  • National Donation Program: If you are not located near our drop sites we have a more options:

1) “Direct To Charity” Program – you can use our “Charity Search” engine to find a charity near you or fill out the form below and we can assist in the search. Just enter your Zip-Code & see what charities pop-up.

2) FREE Mail-In Program for smaller instruments (Flutes-Violins) – Simply wrap it in its actually case or box and send it directly to us. We will REIMBURSE THE SHIPPING cost. Types of instruments: Acoustics to Pianos – we place them all !!!


We only service the United States! Please fill out the form below and provide as much detail as possible regarding your need & how the instrument(s) will be used. Provide us with an email, phone # and city/state. We may request an email from a teacher, pastor, case worker, etc. to validate the need.

Instruments: Acoustics to Pianos – we place them all !!!

Donate or Request an Instrument

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)

Cell Number (for quicker text response)



Type of Instrument

City (required)

State (required)


Your Message (Give us as much detail as possible)

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